Marie Zaiti

Marie Zaiti is a Belgian national but she also has French and Italian roots. She has a law degree, an LLM in International Law, a Master in Real Estate, and is a certified coach. She currently works as a facilitator, trainer, and executive coach to many national and international organizations.
Marie loves to support others in finding purpose in what they do. She feels best when she can contribute to making the world a better place. ParticiPaid is her concrete way to do exactly that. What’s also amazing about her is that she is fluent in no less than five languages!
She lives in Belgium but travels the world, both for work and pleasure. She is an avid reader, an eager dog-walker, as well as a cook and gourmet food lover. She loves to learn and is an affiliate of many organizations and associations. Other than that, she specialized in Process Communication and in various personality profiling tools.